Chadwick Financial Management / Independent Financial Advisers
01803 834440
Good afternoon
I am very pleased to announce that the Dartmouth office will be officially re-opening on Tuesday 29th June. As a business with a pre-existing focus on technology, we were able to switch to working from home very quickly and easily but are now very much looking forward to seeing you face to face.
For July and August, we will be in the office Tuesday to Thursday, 10-4:30. This is partly because staff have young children to spend time with during the school holidays and also because Dartmouth is expected to be very busy this summer and parking becomes an issue for everyone except my closest locals. We will continue to work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and will review our opening hours in September.
I look forward to seeing many of you face to face, but meetings will continue to be available by phone and video technology such as Zoom. If you would like a meeting, please call 0800 833389 or email
Kind regards